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MOVIE: Pekamedalu - trailer songs reviews

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Young married couple from heartlands face ideological divide. Varalaxmi, grounded homemaker values steady income. Laxman, jobless husband seeks shortcuts for entrepreneurial dreams.

Pekamedalu - Official Trailer | Vinoth Kishan, Anoosha Krishna, RakeshVarre | Crazy Ants Productions



  • 2 weeks later...

an educated Btech graduate junkie slum dog who wants to live in slums, doesn't want to work (like homeless people), deceives wife with false assets claiming fake job/income during marriage, depends on wife's earnings, stealing her money (!), drinking, swindles money, borrows money in the name of his wife and blows it on partying, doesn't take care of his wife and son, poses as a rich guy and tries to woo an NRI lady for money, yeah he plans to ditch/divorce wife and abandon his only son for the NRI and the list goes on... it confirms that many couples live under the same roof because they cannot afford divorce and maintaining a separate home.

that last fight is disturbing and the cameraman did a great job capturing in that tight space. their cute neighbor couple did a great job.

there are a few irrelevant dialogs and scenes but they are actually good and not annoying like the movies from south that have those annoying "aah, ooh..." like old people

the illiteracy, poverty and slum life is captured realistically in its RAW, rustic, crude and naked format without glorifying anything with no facial makeups and all naturally which is on par with Balagam (at least in Balagam we see some makeup applied). kudos to the director for the daring attempt who knows how to make a movie!!

it doesn't have much story or twists (it's an example of some illiterate, poor families) but worth watching!


  • The title was changed to MOVIE: Pekamedalu - trailer songs reviews

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