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Mamta Bhatt: mom 28 gone missing in VA



So, her husband is SO controlling: needs to know where she is and needs her to come back right away, but the guy says she leaves for weeks at a time without contacting anyone.. . BS



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Husband of missing Manassas mom says he doesn't want to be "the bad person" | Full interview


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it is not surprising when the cops initially said the husband was not a suspect to throw him off guard so he would feel cozy (it's never over). then they would do their own investigation to get back at him with an arrest saying he is the person of interest.

in this age with smart phones, if someone goes missing and they aren't found in a week, they are more likely to be deceased. if you don't love someone, divorce them - don't hurt them and destroy your own life and your kids lives. it is foolish to presume you won't be caught - it will happen in days, weeks, months, years or decades. it's just a matter of time. no one is smarter than the US law enforcement.

this will mess up his secret clearance!

hopefully someone from her family side would keep/adopt that little baby and not put her in the system.


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