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Laminar Flow Facts #shorts



The reason for this type of fluid flow is a result of a very special ratio called Reynolds’s number. This ratio is the fluids momentum or its inertia divided by its internal friction or what’s called the viscosity. If you tried to move your finger through honey it’s difficult because it has a high viscosity (high friction) on the contrary you can move your finger quite easily through water because relative to honey it has a low viscosity. So basically if the fluids viscosity or its internal friction forces are stronger than its momentum (velocity) then it will be laminar otherwise it can be a mixture of laminar and turbulence, and finally it can be fully turbulent. Turbulence is chaotic whereas laminar flow is nice and ordered as we saw in the video. So if we increased the velocity of the fluid in these videos there would come a point where its momentum outweighs the viscosity and it would start to develop turbulent chaotic structures!

Laminar Flow Facts #shorts


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