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Hydration and drinking just enough water #shorts



Urine color is something that varies greatly from individual to individual and can be influenced by a ton of factors. While yes, completely clear urine can be a sign that you're too hydrated and apple juice colored urine can be a sign you don't hydrate enough, this is not a guarantee. Dark amber can be a completely normal urine color for some individuals, while clear can be normal for others.

Your urine color is influenced by how well you hydrate, the medications/drugs you take, your diet, the amount and balance of vitamins and minerals in your body, the illnesses you're currently or chronically dealing with, your mental state (not a joke), even your sleeping habits. What matters much more than the color of your urine is how consistent that color is. Memorize what your usual urine color is and have an eye on it. Address sudden changes of the color with your doctor.

Urine should be transparent. If it is cloudy, it is probably UTI. For example: if you placed a clear plastic cup of urine over a book, you should be able to read it, regardless of color. Quantity, frequency and odor are also important indicators of what is going on in your renal system.


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