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ARTICLE: YouTube keyboard shortcuts!


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YouTube keyboard shortcuts

Users quickly become advanced/power users on any application and desire keyboard shortcuts for quick actions. Here are all the keyboard shortcuts to make your life easy while watching YouTube videos...


Toggle play/pause k
Rewind 10 seconds j
Fast forward 10 seconds l
Previous video P (SHIFT+p)
Next video N (SHIFT+n)
Previous frame (while paused) ,
Next frame (while paused) .
Decrease playback rate < (SHIFT+,)
Increase playback rate > (SHIFT+.)
Seek to specific point in the video (7 advances to 70% of duration) 0..9
Seek to previous chapter OPTION + ←
Seek to next chapter OPTION + →
Faster playback Press Spacebar or Click and hold
Toggle full screen f
Toggle theater mode t
Toggle miniplayer i
Close miniplayer or current dialog Esc
Toggle mute m
If the video supports captions, toggle captions ON/OFF c
Rotate through different text opacity levels o
Rotate through different window opacity levels w
Rotate through font sizes (increasing) +
Rotate through font sizes (decreasing) -
Pan up w
Pan left a
Pan down s
Pan right d
Zoom in + on numpad or ]
Zoom out - on numpad or [

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