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  • To Live A Hundred Years: 5 Blood Tests To Perform Annually

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    Even if there are no symptoms in our body.. sometimes deadly diseases grow inside. Even if this does not happen all the time, it is very important to detect the disease in time. For that you should undergo some important blood tests every year even if you do not have any disease in your body. From USG to urinalysis to X-rays of the organs, experts suggest various tests to help diagnose the disease. This includes blood tests. In particular, blood tests are necessary to determine the levels of sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid. Having these blood tests for a healthy lifestyle can prevent the risk of disease in time. These are the blood tests that should be done every year.

    Annual Blood Tests

    CBC Test

    A CBC (complete blood count) test is needed to measure the amount of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood. This test can easily detect any infection in the blood. Blood clotting ability is also known through this blood test.

    Lipid profile

    Cholesterol problem is present in every household these days. A lipid profile test should be done to find out how much cholesterol is raised in the blood. If you do this blood test every year you can protect yourself from cholesterol problem in time.


    Diabetes can attack the body silently if elevated blood sugar levels go undetected. Fluctuations in sugar levels can be easily detected by checking glucose every year. So fasting glucose, HbA1c blood tests should be done at regular intervals.


    Thyroid hormones are essential for everything from maintaining metabolic rate to improving the immune system. If the amount of this hormone increases or decreases, various problems arise in the body. From weight gain to mood swings, many problems are caused by this hormone. So a blood test should be done to check thyroid hormone levels every year.

    CMP Test

    CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel) blood test is necessary to determine whether elements like sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, creatinine, nitrogen, bilirubin, albumin, protein are present in proper amount in the body.

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