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  • 200 Linux commands for you:

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    200 Linux commands for you:

    1. ls: List files and directories.
    2. cd: Change directory.
    3. pwd: Print the current working directory.
    4. mkdir: Create a new directory.
    5. rmdir: Remove a directory.
    6. touch: Create a new empty file.
    7. cp: Copy files and directories.
    8. mv: Move or rename files and directories.
    9. rm: Remove files and directories.
    10. cat: Display the contents of a file.
    11. head: Display the first few lines of a file.
    12. tail: Display the last few lines of a file.
    13. grep: Search for a pattern in files.
    14. find: Search for files and directories.
    15. chmod: Change file permissions.
    16. chown: Change the owner of a file or directory.
    17. chgrp: Change the group of a file or directory.
    18. tar: Archive files and directories.
    19. gzip: Compress files.
    20. gunzip: Decompress files.
    21. man: Display the manual page of a command.
    22. df: Display disk usage.
    23. du: Estimate file and directory space usage.
    24. ps: Display running processes.
    25. top: Monitor system processes and resource usage.
    26. kill: Terminate processes.
    27. ping: Send ICMP echo requests to a host.
    28. ifconfig: Display or configure network interfaces.
    29. ssh: Connect to a remote system using SSH.
    30. scp: Copy files between hosts over SSH.
    31. wget: Download files from the web.
    32. curl: Transfer data to or from a server.
    33. sed: Stream editor for text manipulation.
    34. awk: Text processing and pattern scanning.
    35. sort: Sort lines in a file.
    36. uniq: Filter out duplicate lines in a file.
    37. diff: Compare files line by line.
    38. wc: Count lines, words, and characters in a file.
    39. cut: Extract sections from lines of files.
    40. ln: Create links between files.
    41. history: Display command history.
    42. date: Display or set the system date and time.
    43. cal: Display a calendar.
    44. uptime: Show how long the system has been running.
    45. whoami: Print the current user name.
    46. su: Switch user.
    47. sudo: Execute a command as another user or as root.
    48. adduser: Create a new user.
    49. passwd: Change user password.
    50. usermod: Modify user account settings.
    51. groupadd: Create a new group.
    52. groupmod: Modify group settings.
    53. systemctl: Control system services.
    54. service: Manage system services (deprecated on some distributions).
    55. shutdown: Shut down or restart the system.
    56. reboot: Restart the system.
    57. halt: Halt the system.
    58. init: Change the system runlevel.
    59. dmesg: Display system boot messages.
    60. lsmod: List loaded kernel modules.
    61. modprobe: Load or remove kernel modules.
    62. lspci: List PCI devices.
    63. lsusb: List USB devices.
    64. fdisk: Manipulate disk partition tables.
    65. mount: Mount a file system.
    66. umount: Unmount a file system.
    67. mkfs: Create a file system on a disk partition.
    68. fsck: Check and repair a file system.
    69. echo: Display a line of text.
    70. env: Display or set environment variables.
    71. export: Set environment variables.
    72. source: Execute commands from a file.
    73. alias: Create an alias for a command.
    74. crontab: Schedule commands to run at specified times.
    75. at: Schedule a command to run at a specific time.
    76. tar: Archive files and directories.
    77. rsync: Synchronize files and directories.
    78. dig: DNS lookup utility.
    79. host: DNS lookup utility.
    80. ifup: Enable a network interface.
    81. ifdown: Disable a network interface.
    82. netstat: Network statistics.
    83. iptables: Firewall management.
    84. ping6: Send ICMPv6 echo requests to a host.
    85. route: Display or modify the IP routing table.
    86. nmap: Network exploration and security auditing.
    87. traceroute: Trace the route packets take to a network host.
    88. ssh-keygen: Generate SSH key pairs.
    89. ssh-copy-id: Copy SSH keys to a remote server.
    90. nc: Network connection utility.
    91. tcpdump: Network packet capture and analysis.
    92. ntpdate: Set the system time from an NTP server.
    93. htop: Interactive process viewer.
    94. iostat: Report CPU and I/O statistics.
    95. vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.
    96. sar: Collect, report, or save system activity information.
    97. lspcu: List SCSI devices.
    98. lsscsi: List SCSI devices.
    99. lsblk: List block devices.
    100. fsfreeze: Suspend access to a file system.
    101. mkswap: Set up a Linux swap area.
    102. swapon: Enable devices and files for paging and swapping.
    103. swapoff: Disable devices and files for paging and swapping.
    104. hdparm: Get or set hard disk parameters.
    105. dmidecode: Display hardware DMI information.
    106. lshw: List hardware configuration.
    107. modinfo: Show information about a kernel module.
    108. lsinitrd: List contents of an initial RAM disk.
    109. setfacl: Set file access control lists.
    110. getfacl: Get file access control lists.
    111. ip: Network configuration utility.
    112. route: Display or modify the IP routing table.
    113. iwconfig: Configure wireless network interfaces.
    114. lspcmcia: List PCMCIA devices.
    115. hwclock: Show or set the system hardware clock.
    116. lsattr: List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
    117. chattr: Change file attributes on a Linux file system.
    118. mktemp: Create a temporary file or directory.
    119. sync: Flush file system buffers.
    120. watch: Execute a command repeatedly and display the output.
    121. script: Record a terminal session.
    122. strace: Trace system calls and signals.
    123. sshfs: Mount remote directories over SSH.
    124. fuser: Identify processes using files or sockets.
    125. ncdu: Explore disk usage in a directory.
    126. ntfsfix: Fix common errors and force Windows NTFS volumes to be mounted.
    127. fsarchiver: Save or restore file systems to/from a compressed archive.
    128. lsof: List open files and the processes that opened them.
    129. parted: Disk partitioning tool.
    130. ntfsresize: Resize an NTFS file system without losing data.
    131. mkntfs: Create a new NTFS file system.
    132. testdisk: Data recovery software.
    133. photorec: File data recovery software.
    134. dmsetup: Low-level device mapper command.
    135. losetup: Set up and control loop devices.
    136. lspci: List all PCI devices.
    137. lsusb: List all USB devices.
    138. lsmod: Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel.
    139. lsblk: List information about block devices.
    140. lsscsi: List SCSI devices.
    141. lscpu: Display information about the CPU architecture.
    142. lshw: List hardware information.
    143. lsdev: List information about devices.
    144. lsattr: List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
    145. ipcs: Show information about IPC facilities.
    146. ipcrm: Remove message queues, shared memory segments, or semaphore sets.
    147. iostat: Report CPU and I/O statistics.
    148. pidof: Find the process ID of a running program.
    149. pgrep: Look up processes based on name or other attributes.
    150. pkill: Send signals to processes based on name or other attributes.
    151. ntpq: Query NTP servers.
    152. last: Show listing of last logged in users.
    153. lp: Print files.
    154. lpr: Print files.
    155. lprm: Remove print jobs from the queue.
    156. ifup: Activate network interfaces.
    157. ifdown: Deactivate network interfaces.
    158. ifquery: Query information about network interfaces.
    159. mtr: Network diagnostic tool combining ping and traceroute.
    160. arp: Manipulate or display the ARP cache.
    161. tcpdump: Network packet capture and analysis.
    162. ngrep: Network grep - network packet analyzer.
    163. strace: Trace system calls and signals.
    164. iotop: Monitor I/O usage information.
    165. stat: Display file or file system status.
    166. logrotate: Rotate log files.
    167. powertop: Power consumption monitor.
    168. fsck: File system consistency check and repair.
    169. mkfs: Create a file system on a disk partition.
    170. tune2fs: Adjust tunable file system parameters on ext2, ext3, or ext4 file systems.
    171. dumpe2fs: Dump ext2, ext3, or ext4 file system information.
    172. mount: Mount a file system.
    173. umount: Unmount a file system.
    174. cfdisk: Console-based disk partition table manipulator.
    175. gdisk: Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator.
    176. dd: Convert and copy a file.
    177. mkisofs: Create an ISO 9660 file system image.
    178. ddrescue: Data recovery tool.
    179. badblocks: Search a device for bad blocks.
    180. hdparm: Get or set hard disk parameters.
    181. fio: Flexible I/O tester and benchmark tool.
    182. blkid: Locate/print block device attributes.
    183. mountpoint: Check if a directory or file is a mountpoint.
    184. swapon: Enable devices and files for paging and swapping.
    185. swapoff: Disable devices and files for paging and swapping.
    186. lsof: List open files and the processes that opened them.
    187. chroot: Run a command with a different root directory.
    188. kill: Send a signal to a process.
    189. uptime: Show how long the system has been running.
    190. free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
    191. ps: Report a snapshot of the current processes.
    192. top: Display Linux processes.
    193. htop: Interactive process viewer.
    194. vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.
    195. iostat: Report CPU and I/O statistics.
    196. sar: Collect, report, or save system activity information.
    197. dstat: Versatile resource statistics tool.
    198. mpstat: Report processors related statistics.
    199. pstree: Display a tree of processes.
    200. w: Show who is logged on and what they are doing.

    Please note that the availability of certain commands may depend on your Linux distribution and system configuration.

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    • Hyderabadi Bagara Rice is a flavorful and aromatic rice dish from the Hyderabadi cuisine, known for its rich taste and spices. It goes well with anything like chicken, mutton, potatoes, vankaya, gutti vankaya, etc. Here's a simple recipe and method to make Bagara Rice:


      1 cup Basmati rice
      2 cups water
      2 tablespoons ghee or oil
      1 onion, thinly sliced
      2-3 green chilies, slit lengthwise
      1-inch piece of ginger, finely chopped
      2-3 cloves garlic, minced
      1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
      1 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust to taste)
      1 teaspoon garam masala powder
      1/2 tablespoon Shah Jeera seeds (REQUIRED)
      1/2 tablespoon black pepper
      5 cloves
      5 green cardamom pods
      1 black cardamom
      1 cinnamon stick
      Salt to taste
      Chopped coriander leaves for garnish (REQUIRED)
      Chopped mint leaves for garnish (REQUIRED)
      Fried onions for garnish (optional)

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      • 0 replies
    • Hyderabadi Mutton Dum Biryani is a classic Indian dish where marinated mutton (goat meat) and aromatic basmati rice are cooked together in layers, resulting in a flavorful and richly spiced one-pot meal. Here's a traditional recipe to make Hyderabadi mutton dum biryani:


      For Marination:

      1 kg mutton, cut into pieces
      1 cup plain yogurt
      2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
      2 teaspoons red chili powder
      1 teaspoon turmeric powder
      2 teaspoons garam masala powder
      2 teaspoons coriander powder
      Salt to taste
      Juice of 1 lemon

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      • 0 replies
    • Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani is a classic dish from the region of Hyderabad, India, known for its rich flavors and aromatic spices. Here's a traditional recipe to make Hyderabadi chicken dum biryani:


      For Marination:

      500g chicken, cut into pieces
      1 cup plain yogurt
      2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste
      1 teaspoon red chili powder
      1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
      1 teaspoon biryani masala powder
      1 teaspoon garam masala powder
      1 teaspoon coriander powder
      1 teaspoon cumin powder
      Salt to taste
      Juice of 1 lemon

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      • 0 replies
    • 🤔 United States Expansion: How the United States Went From this to THIS Size? 🇺🇸 #shorts

      And Alaska was purchased from Russia for just 7.2M USD.

      Even though the USA and AU are about the same size in area and started around the same time, the USA has 332M population while AU has 26M now.

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      • 30 replies
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      సీఎం జగన్ వ్యాఖ్యలకు చంద్రబాబు రిప్లయ్

      జగన్ ను పిల్లకాకితో పోల్చిన టీడీపీ అధినేత

      జగన్ పనిదొంగ అంటూ విమర్శలు

      టీడీపీ జాతీయ అధ్యక్షుడు చంద్రబాబు ఏపీ సీఎం జగన్ కు సవాల్ విసిరారు. జగన్ నా వయసు గురించి మాట్లాడతాడు... నా మాదిరిగా మండుటెండలో ఒక మూడు మీటింగుల్లో పాల్గొని, సాయంత్రానికి తన కాళ్ల మీద తాను నిలబడగలడా ఈ జగన్? అని ఎద్దేవా చేశారు. 

      "ప్రజలకు చంద్రబాబు ఏం చేశాడని అడుగుతాడు... తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాల్లో  పిల్లలను అడిగినా చెబుతారు నేను ఏం చేశానో. అతనికి తెలియకపోతే ఆ అజ్ఞానానికి ఎవరేం చేయగలం?" అంటూ చంద్రబాబు ట్వీట్ చేశారు. 

      అంతేకాదు, బనగానపల్లెలో తాను జగన్ పై చేసిన వ్యాఖ్యల వీడియోను కూడా చంద్రబాబు పంచుకున్నారు. జగన్ ను పిల్లకాకితో పోల్చారు. నాలాగా రెండ్రోజులు మధ్యాహ్నం ఒంటిగంటకు మంచి ఎండలో మీటింగ్ లు పెట్టగలవా? అని సవాల్ విసిరారు. పనిదొంగ, దోపిడీదారుడు ఈ జగన్ రెడ్డి అని ఘాటు వ్యాఖ్యలు చేశారు.


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